New Advancements in Pigmentation Treatments and Ingredients
Circadia featuring Kristine Astroff (@ kris . talks . skin ) SUNDAY 1:30 - 2:30p I ROOM A122 Hyperpigmentation is a complicated condition faced by many skincare professionals and consumers alike . This presentation will explore the mechanisms of melanin formation and melanocyte function , as well as associated states of hyper / hypo pigmentation . Learn why the enzymes Tyrosinase and Phenylalanine Oxidase , along with the newly discovered lightening mechanisms such as melanosome transfer ( MIT ) and melanin stimulating hormones ( MSH ) inhibitors are key components in melanin formation .
5 P ' s of Chemical Peeling
Circadia featuring Kristine Astroff (@ kris . talks . skin ) MONDAY 11:30a - 12:30p I ROOM A122 Acids are widely used in professional skincare , but some confusion still exists regarding what acids are and exactly how they affect the physiology of the skin . This comprehensive seminar will address the 5 Ps of Chemical Peeling : optimizing pretreating , the relationship between pH and the strength of the peeling acids , understanding the concept behind percentages , pK values , and the importance of post care .
Avant Garde Creative Makeup Application , Stand Out Against the Competition !
Plush Beauty Academy featuring Naomi Zwelling (@ plushbeautyacademy ) MONDAY 2:30 - 3:30p I ROOM A124 Learn the art of Avante Garde , a bold , creative , makeup application from 9 year experienced , New York makeup artist , Naomi ! Transform your clients with unique expressive makeup techniques guaranteed to keep you booked all year long !
Boost Your Business with Cutting-Edge Technology Micro-Channeling & Nano Infusion
NanoStamp 360™ featuring Karla Barrick (@ injectionsbykarla ) SUNDAY 11:30a - 12:30p I ROOM A122 This class covers key topics such as an expected results timeline , device selection criteria , and the benefits of using NanoStamp 360 . You will also receive education on effectively using the technology for skin and hair rejuvenation .
Mandatory Facial
Queen Taylor Cosmeceuticals featuring Cynthia Malcom
SUNDAY 9:30 - 10:30a I ROOM A123 The Mandatory Facial is an electro-cleansing treatment which covers skin analysis and consultation . Learn to form a detailed treatment plan followed by a deep cleansing and deep product penetration . This should be performed on all first-time clients prior to moving forward with any other desired services . Throughout this facial , you will remove debris , sebaceous filaments , and congestion without painful extractions or harming the skin .
Calming & Soothing Facial
Queen Taylor Cosmeceuticals featuring Cynthia Malcom
MONDAY 9:30 - 10:30a I ROOM A123 Learn the Calming & Soothing Facial which uses indirect high frequency . This treatment is perfect for clients who have erythema , inflammation , dry / dehydrated skin , rosacea , spider veins , broken capillaries , and stressed skin . Clients will notice immediate effects such as the increase of collagen and elastin production as well as improved blood circulation resulting in a more hydrated and youthful glow .
Cupping with a Purpose
PH Secrets featuring Sonia Tompkins MONDAY 2:30 - 3:30p I ROOM A122 Learn the basics in static ( dry ) cupping along with unique points to common ailments your client might experience . We incorporate CBD into our cupping massage & will explain how mixing both will improve your clients experience .
Unleash Your Inner Pro
Crown Brush SUNDAY 9:00a - 6:00p I MONDAY 9:00a - 4:00p I BOOTH 1324 With over 35 years of experience , Crown Brush is recognized in the beauty industry as a global leader in processional cosmetics and brushes .