Classes are FREE with your show pass!
The Nailscape
Nail It Online
East Room E
Centre for Beauty
Earn $75 in 30 Minutes... Continuously!
CJ Murray
Ashley Gregory SUNDAY 1:45 - 2:45p
Your social media presence can reflect poorly on your salon if not handled well.
Connect with your clients and attract new ones without investing in an expensive
and impersonal social media management company. Exploit the differences
between social media platforms, maximize your reach through smart branding,
and finally answer the burning question “What do I post?”
Instagram Secrets for Nail Artists
MONDAY 1:45 - 2:45p
Whether you are an IG novice or a master “grammer,” this class is for you. Learn tips
and strategies to stand out from the crowd. Build your foundation in the basics &
advanced techniques to beat the algorithm, learn the top three mistakes nail artists
make on Instagram & how to avoid them and analyze your insights and metrics to
course correct & get noticed.
North Room A
SUNDAY 10:00 - 11:00a
Learn the value of adding a “callous solution” service to your venue. The
challenge of managing thick calloused skin is over with PodoSafe. No soaking
required, witness how Urea based PodoSafe will gain new clients, keep existing
clients, and even build your mobile business.
European Beauty Secrets at Americas Fingertips
SUNDAY 3:00 - 4:00p
MONDAY 10:00 - 11:00a
Emily Nelson
Learn how LCN Urea foot care products can offer luxury services
with life changing results and the benefits of the ingredients,
how Urea foot care changes lives and how you can bring salon
safety to the next level.
See page 55 for additional education by Ashley Gregory
BOOTH # 2021
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