Premiere Beauty Classic Show Preview 2018 | Page 8


Nick Arrojo
ARROJO ’ s main stage show offers a portal to the trends and techniques of tomorrow . With Nick Arrojo and his artistic team highlighting latest looks , coolest colors and cuts from New York ’ s vanguard , expect a trailblazing , inspirational show from America ’ s leading independent hairdressing brand .
With thirty-plus years as a hairdresser and seven years as hairdressing host for TLC ’ s ‘ What Not to Wear , Nick has become a modern icon of the industry . His signature razor-cutting technique is recognized and practiced worldwide . It is part of a modern and creative , precision-based hairdressing method pioneered by Nick , and designed to create fashion-forward , beautiful , wearable hair for clients , while offering creative freedom and versatility to stylists .
Melanie Guzzo
THE FUNGUS AMONG US ! SAFETY & SANITATION COURSE ( 2 CE hours ) Join us for a fun , informative class about industry-specific sanitation ! We will be teaching how to identify skin / scalp conditions , how to talk to guests about skin / scalp conditions gently , how to keep your salon / spa safe and more . These topics relate directly to salon / spa success . Guests can be attracted or deterred from a salon based on it ’ s cleanliness . We will be explaining how sanitation is often responsible for business prosperity .
Melanie Guzzo has been active in the salon industry for over 15 years . Melanie leads a salon ( Virtue Salon ) and education team ( Stay Sharp Nation ) in Columbus . Her vision is to empower professionals to be educators and provide elevated education for professionals in the Midwest .
Sun 4:40 - 5:30p
Sun 9:30 - 11:30a Mon 9:30 - 11:30a