Premiere Beauty Classic Show Preview 2018 | Page 14
Cut It Out
Featuring Taylor Jameson, Alethia Finley & Doe Zitscher
featuring Lillie G. Wiggins
Cut Out Domestic Abuse
Sun 4:00 - 5:10p & Mon 3:30 - 4:40p
Sun 3:00 - 4:10p & Mon 11:00a - 12:10p Room B246
Room D180
What is DIVERSITYMESH? It is 3 different female hairdressers from three very
different cultures getting together on the same stage to show very different
techniques of cutting hair! Learn razor cutting, triple shears, hair braiding and
extensions all on one stage. Plus, we pick our models straight from the audience
which makes this class fun, real and EDUCATIONALLY DIVERSE.
Domestic abuse has no boundaries, it does not discriminate. It’s massive, yet passive onset has captured
some of the most elite. There are no age boundaries either, characteristics displayed as young as
kindergarten. It is time to break the silence is to say the least. Our first mission is to educate the fashion
and beauty industry on how to become front line identifiers of abuse. We all agree the cosmetologist is
the unlicensed “Physiologist”. We hear all and in many cases see it all. We have educated near 1,000
participants to include licensed Mental and Medical Health Career Service Professionals.
Presented by BCS Distributors
Presented by SalonCentric
featuring Ruben DaVaz
Smooth, Shine, Soften the La-Brasiliana Way
Discover Olaplex Today
Sun 9:00a - 6:00p & Mon 9:00a - 4:30p
Exhibit Floor
One ingredient changes everything. Go Blonder. Push the envelope further without compromising the
integrity of hair. From the photo shoot to the salon c