air Trends
Hair Trends
All Nutrient featuring Tony Difraia
What ’ s Really in a Tube of Haircolor
Sun & Mon 10:00 - 11:10a Room B240-241
This program will give you insight on how haircolor is made . A discussion of the function of haircolor components and their effects on final result . You will also here the Direct from the “ Color Lab ” information on the advances that have been achieved in the fast paced world of Haircolor . If you a serious colorist this class is for you .
Techniques for Added Color and Retention Sun & Mon 12:00 - 1:10p Room B240-241
There are situations that are out of our haircolor control . Situations that we can avert , correct , or not have to deal with . Spend some time at this class to understand critical steps we the colorists can take to make our work stand up . Learn how to expand financial returns while developing a great client relationship . We will demonstrate LIVE color blending techniques that will give you a real boost in the salon .
Mastering a Professional Consultation Sun & Mon 2:00 - 3:10p Room B240-241
This class is designed to break down a great consultation . Information is a vital part in the client stylist relationship . Understanding client issues and needs is a factor that will bring a success to your extended client relationship . Don ’ t miss this opportunity to sit in on a real client consultation LIVE in this classroom .
All-Nutrient Organic Based Haircolor Sun 4:00 - 5:10p & Mon 3:30 - 4:40p Room B240-241
This class will explain the true meaning of organic and how it applies to our salon world today . Understanding what ’ s organic and what ’ s not is a factor to consider when choosing haircolor . Clients today are demanding a more natural approach to haircolor and products . A must class for all colorists !
Hattori Hanzo Shears
Building Profitable Male and Female Clientele featuring Giovanni Scott Sun 9:30 - 10:40a & Mon 3:00 - 4:10p
Room C172
In this class Giovanni will discuss time saving tips and tricks to successfully create a loyal female and male clientele . Whether you are looking to master shear over comb , or create a seamless a-line , this is a class you will not want to miss .
Precision Cutting featuring Cole Thompson Sun 11:00a - 12:10p Mon 9:30 - 10:40a
Room C172
A class with Cole Thompson will help you return to the salon with not only new ideas but a complete and in depth understanding of technique . The class breaks down precision cutting , to its purest form allowing for high absorption of material . This class is a must for any stylists at all levels .
Head Shape Haircutting featuring Wayne Tuggle Sun 1:00 - 2:10p Mon 11:30a - 12:40p
Room C172
In my class you are going to learn head shape hair cutting on any type of hair . This will combine multidimensional texture with revolutionary cutting techniques , to create the perfect haircut for anyone ’ s head shape . With proper blending you will raise the bar and set brilliant standards that are easy to take back to the salon . Simplicity is the key . From making flat hair pop , to making curly hair move , there ’ s NO type of hair that you will not be able to conquer after taking this class .
JKS International Hair Care Products
featuring John Kaytaz
Quick , Easy Steps of Color Correction with ALL hd PLEX
Sun & Mon 10:00 - 11:10a & 12:00 - 1:10p Room D180
Often stylists are scared or intimidated by color correction thinking that at the end they will get uneven results , maybe even damage the hair and that it will be very time consuming . This class is formatted so you can feel comfortable and at ease with the challenge of color correction as well as being able to get the client out in a reasonable amount of time . By using easy to follow charts , diagrams and a packet that you can take with you along with a FREE full size ALL hair defender PLEX2 application kit , John Kaytaz will simplify the process along with share advantages of JKS Italian Colors , developers , bleaching powder and all hair defender pLEX .
Finishing School featuring Genevieve Strazisar
Recreating Today ’ s Looks Sun & Mon 2:00 - 3:10p
Room D180
In this demonstration class , we ’ ll break down the latest trends in finishing hair . This class is jam-packed with celebrity and runway looks and lots of tips and tricks on recreating the looks on your clients . From formal looks to everyday styles , bring your phone and get your Insta-stories ready to capture all of the looks and inspire your clients at home . Taught by Genevieve Strazisar (@ genthehairdresser ), a favorite educator , platform artist and session stylist-this class is a must attend for today ’ s top stylists .