The 5-Step Blueprint to Build a 7-Figure Salon
Salon Cadence featuring Ronit Enos (@ ronit . enos ) SUNDAY 12:00 - 1:00p l ROOM 207D A LOT of successful beauty business owners get stuck at 6-figures , even when they ’ re working non-stop and sacrificing time , health , and sanity for years . The key to exponential growth is a focused , clear strategy with purpose , building a Team-Managed Company , with the right profit cash flow system behind it . Once you have this system , not only do your profits multiply dramatically , but so does the number of people you reach in a positive way . Walk away with the proven system that has helped thousands of successful salon & spa owners stuck at high 6 to scale to 7-figures and beyond !
What is Lifestyle Recruiting : How to Attract A-Players
Salon Cadence featuring Ronit Enos (@ ronit . enos ) MONDAY 12:00 - 1:00p l ROOM 207D In August 2019 , over 3.6 million people quit their jobs in the U . S . Then in August 2021 , it grew to over 4.2 million . We ’ ve seen this trend consistently over the past few years , and it ’ s been predicted that this trend will continue going into the recession . This deeply impacts our industry . Research shows that if a company has a solid onboarding journey , lasting 90-100 days , the likelihood of maintaining new staff is increased by 69 %! Walkout of this class today with a 90 Day Onboarding Strategy using the 12 phases for a successful staff journey .
Financial Fitness – 5 Surefire Ways to Increase Your Profitability ( For Owners )
Stephen Gomez Business Coaching featuring Stephen Gomez
(@ saloncoachsjg ) SUNDAY 2:00 - 3:00p l ROOM 207D Making more money means learning how to turn top line sales into more bottom-line results ! This is usually easier said than done until now . This class will break down 5 critical areas that you can identify to help you give your bottom line a boost . You will :
■ Rate yourself in 5 areas that support profitability
■ Learn key financial performance indicators and how to improve them
■ Understand how to become more financially organized
It ’ s Time to Raise Your Prices ( For Anyone )
Stephen Gomez Business Coaching featuring Stephen Gomez
(@ saloncoachsjg ) MONDAY 3:30 - 4:30p l ROOM 207D In this session , discover how to make the money you deserve and embrace service-price increases with your customers . It ’ s that simple . Through learning to “ Charge Your Worth .” In this class you will learn about :
■ Raising prices based upon your expenses
■ When to raise prices
■ How to raise prices with no fear !
Client Communication for Profits - It ' s More than Social Media
Lexi Lomax , Inc . featuring Lexi Lomax (@ lomax . lexi ) SUNDAY 12:00 - 1:00p l ROOM 207C This class provides beauty business owners with the tools to grow , organize and simplify their businesses using client communication . Client communication between appointments is the secret sauce to longevity , profits , and peace of mind in our beauty businesses . It ’ s more than social media but also not just adding more tasks to your to do list . We over complicate and make business in our salons WAY harder than it must be and miss some of the most integral steps to success , profits and peace in our salons . Learn a simple strategy to streamline client communication across multiple platforms and recycle content to work for you to not only nurture relationships but also create new revenue streams and grow profits .
Breaking Into the Entertainment Industry Are You the Next Hair Stylist Sensation ?
Hollywood Hair Guy featuring Dean Banowetz (@ dbano ) SUNDAY 4:00 - 5:00p l MONDAY 10:00 - 11:00a l ROOM 207C Are you ready to break into the Hollywood Beauty Biz ? Hollywood Hair Guy Dean Banowetz will help you create a custom roadmap to the career of your dreams . Whether you ’ re still a student or a seasoned pro , Dean shares his tips to help you take those first ( or next ) steps . Hear his journey from Iowa to LA , from working on a farm with 14 siblings to 7 Emmy nominations ! Determine your path & uncover what hiring managers are looking for . Create a niche that helps you stand out and become wildly in demand . Plus , hear what Dean looks for when hiring an assistant that may surprise you !
For additional classes with Dean Banowetz > see pages 42 & 53