Lead Like a Champion ! How to Retain , Motivate , & Grow Your Dream Team !
Inspiring Champions featuring CEO Lauren Gartland SUNDAY 10:00 - 11:15a l MONDAY 10:00 - 11:15a l ROOM 208A Do you struggle to MOTIVATE your team ? Are you challenged finding ways to MAXIMIZE your team ’ s results ? Do you want to be a more EFFECTIVE leader ?
You Will Learn :
■ The 3 types of individuals you can hire and how to attract your IDEAL .
■ How to CONDUCT empowering 1-on-1 coaching sessions using a 6-step system that will enable you to UNLEASH your team ’ s performance & results
■ Deliver a PROVEN & REPEATABLE 4-step system to impact and bring out the BEST in others , so they never forget you !
Top 3 Ways to Increase Your Cash Flow & Profit !
Inspiring Champions featuring CEO Lauren Gartland SUNDAY 12:00 - 1:15p & 4:00 - 5:15p l ROOM 208A MONDAY 12:00 - 1:15p l ROOM 208A Are you making the amount of Profit you desire ? Do you have a Profit goal ? Is your business where you want & need it to be ? If not , we have the SOLUTION !
You Will Learn :
■ 3 proven ways to INCREASE your Profit !
■ The top 2 areas of your business that lead to salon CLOSURE !
■ The three ways you should be compensated as a business owner .
■ Our PROVEN “ Rent Justifier ” system to balance your budget & make a profit !
Double Your Income Now ! How to Generate $ 100K to $ 200K Working SMART
Inspiring Champions featuring CEO Lauren Gartland SUNDAY 2:00 - 3:15p l MONDAY 2:00 - 3:15p l ROOM 208A WOULD YOU LIKE TO … Work LESS and Earn MORE than you ever have before ? Double your income WITHOUT seeing more guests or raising your prices ?
Learn How To :
■ ADD $ 100 to $ 400 + to your book EVERY DAY !
■ BOOST your Avg . Service Ticket per client by 25 % to 40 %
■ INCREASE your income by $ 10,000 to $ 30,000 in 12 months or LESS .
■ A SUCCESS FORMULA to Gross $ 100K to $ 200K per year , every year !
Develop Profitable Pricing to Keep Up with Your Expenses and Increase Revenue
The Statements Project featuring Nikki Le Trowbridge SUNDAY 10:00 - 11:15a l ROOM 208B Get ready to discover the science behind a price increase . We ’ ll take the emotion out of raising prices and show you how to stay profitable in charging accurately . We ’ ll share modern day pricing concepts like hybrid pricing concepts and a simplified formula on how to manage expenses like color costs and payroll .
Welcome to the Digital Age of Hiring Processes and On-Boarding New Employees
The Statements Project featuring Nikki Le Trowbridge SUNDAY 12:00 - 1:15p l ROOM 208B Learn how to design breakthrough hiring processes and an on-boarding platform that instills your company culture with efficient brand integration . We ’ ll empower you with the resources for your hiring / on-boarding workflow for seamless new hire transition and transformation
Compensation and Payroll Mapping for Salon Owners
The Statements Project featuring Nikki Le Trowbridge SUNDAY 2:00 - 3:15p l ROOM 208B Learn how to update and elevate the components of your customized compensation plan . We ’ ll review 1 .) Base pay concepts like ; tiered commissions , hourly scales , and salaries . 2 .) Variable pay ( benefits ) concepts like : performance pay , bonuses , PTO , sick leave , rewards , and innovative , tax-friendly benefits 3 .) Leadership pays concepts and contracts . Leave this class truly understanding the components that go into diversifying your compensation plans and how to master your payroll expenses .
Become a Mentor and a Master in the Art of Growing People
The Statements Project featuring Nikki Le Trowbridge SUNDAY 4:00 - 5:15p l ROOM 208B This class will be career changing for salon professionals and business owners who are ready to become enriching leaders , organized managers , encouraging coaches , influential mentors , and knowledgeable masters in the practice of people growing . We ’ ll share methods in team coaching , goal setting , 360 ° performance evaluations and utilizing systemized , insightful data that will restyle your ability to personalize career journeys for your people .