90s Layers
Hattori Hanzo Shears featuring Collin Martin SUNDAY 12:15 - 1:15p l ROOM 210A MONDAY 9:15 - 10:15p & 3:15 - 4:15p l ROOM 210A Collin Martin has been creating multi-functional cuts with a keen eye while employing unconventional 3D sculpting for the past thirteen years . His peculiar approach to hair has , in the words of a colleague , “ brought the avant-garde to the people .”
The Essential Understanding of Cutting Hair
Sensei Shears featuring Erik Lander (@ el _ education ) SUNDAY 1:30 - 2:30p l MONDAY 11:30a - 12:30p l ROOM 211B Cutting hair is all about Geometry . This session will let you break down every haircut you do into easy , simple techniques . If you want to understand the knowledge and tools of cutting hair , give Erik an hour , you won ’ t be disappointed .
Dry Texture Cutting
Hattori Hanzo Shears featuring Brandon Liberati SUNDAY 1:45 - 2:45p l MONDAY 12:15 - 1:15p ROOM 210A Brandon helps you simplify and implement dry cutting techniques on ALL hair textures so you can easily accomplish the latest textured looks and styles in the salon . This class is for any hairstylist that is looking to execute a more refined and customized haircut .
Come Together & Cut Together
The Fab 4 featuring Taylor Jameson (@ taylorjamesoneducation _), Albie Mulcahy (@ Albie . m1 ), David Kinigson ( davidkinigson ), Francesca Rivetti ( francescarivetti _ hairart ) SUNDAY 4:00 - 5:30p l ROOM 211A Join this haircutting journey with inspiring , practical tips , techniques , and takeaways , from the classics and beyond . Dry Shaping , Classic Bohemian Razor , Theory and much more ! Each professional will takeaway and use with confidence their new knowledge , behind the chair .
Bescene Bob
Hattori Hanzo Shears featuring Linh Phan (@ bescene ) SUNDAY 4:45 - 5:45p l MONDAY 1:45 - 2:45p l ROOM 210A The " Bescene Bob " has become an industry staple , and easily recognizable . Today you will have the opportunity to see first hand how Linh Phan executes this iconic look using a unique , cutting edge dry technique .
Growing a Wildly Successful Bridal Beauty Business
Bridal Trade featuring Jodi Snowden (@ bridaltrade ) SUNDAY 2:00 - 3:00p l ROOM 207C Discover how to stand out in the market , book dream brides consistently and create a referral worthy bridal experience .