Pregnancy and the Birth for a First Time Mum. pregnancy | Page 7

ancy. n g e r P g n i r du s e l a m e in F s e g n ha C y e eK h t in a l p Ex There are many changes a woman will go through during pregnancy. Her uterus will begin to expand thanks to the hormone progesterone, and provide an accommodating environment for the baby to grow. The cervix undergoes small changes during pregnancy, mostly towards the end, when it softens to allow for childbirth. Often the cervical plug can dislodge when labour is imminent. The vagina becomes more elasticated to permit the baby to move through the birth canal and out of the vagina. The breasts enlarge in preparation for breastfeeding. As the womb expands, it can change the entire shape and posture of the pregnant woman. The weight of the baby and amniotic fluids can change the way the woman holds herself, causing back pain and other joint issues. Both weight loss and weight gain are common symptoms of pregnancy. The HCG hormone causes morning sickness initially which alters appetite and food consumption, where as it may also cause cravings and larger appetite. The weight of the baby also causes the pregnant woman to potentially find exercise more difficult which can contribute to weight gain. The heart has to do a lot more work during pregnancy, due to having to care for the baby as well as the mother's body. Therefore the heart can increase in size, but also struggle to keep blood flow at a stable level. This can cause fainting and low blood pressure. ( 2016) ( 2013) 5