Predrag Caranovic sculptures Sep. 2014 | Page 124

Germans, Ozna (The Yugoslav Security Agency) and the Russian spies. I was fascinated by the design of that coat that, as you wear it, covers all and gives human form a form of a sculpture. As you wear it, you look like a sculpture and you appear monumental. Без назива, 2005 In the late ‘90’s, I also worked on a sculpture that involved a real army tank. It was a T-34 model that was smaller than others and weighted about 30 kilos. It was a perfect machine. I placed on top of it a show-case with a roof and on the roof I placed purposely a triumphant horseman statue. It is called “War plunder” (“Ratni plen”). In the middle of the show-case there was a jar with an inscription “spritus”, a real pre-war pharmacy jar where the alcohol was conserved. This was all to intend that the main war plunder is to steal the spirit of the counterpart. Who manages to do that is the winner. It was a complex sculpture and was supposed to indicate many things. There were also sculptures that I made in reaction to the actions of the politicians. The artwork “The Shirt” (“Kosulja”) was made when they started the first broadcasts from the parliament. The parliamentarians involved were all different kinds of people. There was a guy from Kragujevac, I think he was a member of SPO (Serbian Renewal Movement) party that wore a bow-tie, so somebody called him the gentleman with a horizonta