Precipice IP PLLC Government Marketing Vol. 1 | Page 3

Patents Trademarks IP Due Diligence Inventors, small or large, are passionate about ideas. If you are concerned with protecting your innovations and inventions, let us help you figure out what to do. We have technical expertise in chemistry and materials science, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, software engineering, and biotechnology. Since we love all things science and we speak technology, we promise to make the process as enjoyable as possible. Registered trademarks on products and services can be a tremendous source of value to your business. Deter counterfeiters by registering trademarks with the USPTO and police your marks against would-be bad actors working to confuse the public. Let our team register and enforce your valuable logos and trademarks. Doing an IP deal can be the best of times or the worst of times. It all depends on how well you understand the IP you just bought, licensed, or secured. The old saying ''trust but verify' comes to mind. Copyrights Don't guess, let our team run your IP diligence before you do the deal. Let us verify ownership, liens, litigation, or other factors that may impact the value of the IP you want to acquire. Want some trivia in time for your next party? Did you know the copyright is a fundamental right granted by the U.S. constitution? That's right! If you are a writer, artist, software coder, or performing artist, become acquainted with your copyrights. IP Compliance Our team can take you through a risk assessment and inventory of your economically impactful data. Our proprietary tools and significant expertise can help you find where value may be hiding or expose risky data practices. Our team can help you sort through what's fact from what's fiction when it comes to securing and enforcing your rights under the copyright laws. Let us run your risk assessment. We may recommend training, policies, manuals, contracts, and other solutions to increase the chances that your investment in your IP will give you a positive return. Licensing Don't be caught off guard by another’s incorporation your trademarks into their domain. Data Data and trade secret law has come a long way, baby! Recent legislation has made enforcing trade secrets, data, and privacy more attractive than ever before. Have you ever been the victim of a leaky license? What is a leaky license you ask? A leaky license is one that provides more risk than value. Not to worry, there is hope. Our experts at Precipice IP will work with you and focus on the target technology to help you properly assess the market, the value, and the potential risks of your deal. We'll help you navigate the right deal for you. Domain Names Precipice IP will work with you to enforce your trademark against domain squatters helping to alleviate confusion in the marketplace. It’s a dirty job, but somebody's got to do it. Making certain you own and control the IP you've purchased or hired employees or consultants to develop, is what we do best. Contact Us: Precipice IP, PLLC 609 SW 8th Street STE 600 Bentonville AR 72712 479.259.2966