Preach Magazine ISSUE 8 - Preaching and comedy | Page 47


Sermons on great prayers of the Bible

C H Spurgeon , Hendrickson Press ( 2015 )

10 Second Sermons

Milton Jones , Darton , Longman & Todd ( 2011 )
It is likely that any preachers out there – among whom I count myself – will have heard of Charles Haddon Spurgeon . Affectionately known as the ‘ Prince of Preachers ’, he was one of England ’ s best known preachers in the second half of the nineteenth century ( 1834 – 1892 ).
It seems almost unbelievable now , with so many of our churches facing dwindling congregations and a sermon that you might have spent a few days sweating over and preparing being finally delivered to less than thirty , that Spurgeon routinely preached to 6,000 in London ’ s Metropolitan Tabernacle ( a stone ’ s throw from Elephant and Castle tube station ). It beggars belief that he also did this in an age before microphones and any amplification systems . The fact that books like these , comprising a selection of his best sermons , are still being published is testimony to the quality , power and message of those original sermons .
In this volume we have thirteen of Spurgeon ’ s sermons that are all based on great prayers that have been prayed at different times throughout the Bible , ranging from Moses on Mount Sinai with God ( Exodus ) to John in exile on Patmos ( Revelation ). The others include the Psalms , Judges , 1 Chronicles , Nehemiah , Isaiah , Daniel and all four Gospels . My own particular favourite is that which focuses on the ‘ preparatory prayers of Christ ’ in which Spurgeon examines the many occasions when Jesus resorted to prayer . Spurgeon makes the obvious point that Jesus ‘ was a man of much prayer ’ and compares his skills as a preacher with those of prayer , concluding that ‘ he appears to have been even mightier in prayer .’
It is in this sermon , also , that Spurgeon alludes to the length of
his address : ‘ I must hasten on , lest time should fail us before I have finished .’ By my reckoning each of these sermons must have lasted at least an hour . If you try reading one out loud and account for natural pauses and so on it is difficult to get it under the hour and make it sensible . One has got to admire the levels of concentration and stamina of the Victorian congregations . Nowadays the usual advice is not to make your sermon much longer than about fifteen minutes !
The success of Spurgeon as a preacher was not down to any secret formula . His principles were quite simple . First and foremost he preached the gospel and the good news – his message was always firmly grounded in Scripture and in the Lord Jesus Christ . But he preached it in a simple , straightforward way that everyone could understand and , crucially , he made it relevant and meaningful to their everyday lives .
Preachers today would do well to follow the same guidelines . Meanwhile Spurgeon ’ s sermons ( this is only a small selection of his vast output ) still serve as a source of inspiration and are timeless in their appeal
I must confess I had not heard of Milton Jones but it is good to know he is a successful comedian as well as a Christian .
This is a pocket-sized book which I think many people will enjoy . It contains 78 short , pithy comments on Christianity and the church , which are thought-provoking as well as bringing a smile to your face . At first I was not sure what to make of them . I enjoyed most but did not fully understand others . Let me give you an example :
‘ The Holy Spirit is a real person you can invite in . But watch out , sooner or later he will go over to the fridge , pull it out and say “ what ’ s all this mess under here ?” ... but at least he helps clear up .’
Some could certainly enrich a sermon , for example ; ‘ Faith is like standing still in the noise , knowing that the bus is coming , and occasionally through the fog and the traffic , catching a glimpse of something big and red .’
I enjoyed this book for myself and can think of many people to whom I would like to give it