Preach Magazine ISSUE 8 - Preaching and comedy | Page 41

FEATURE 41 Overcoming distance PREACHING THAT CONNECTS by Martyn Atkins I What is effective preaching? The best response to that question I heard came from the late, great preacher and homiletics teacher Fred Craddock. ‘Effective preaching’, he said, ‘overcomes distance’. f so, there are different kinds of ‘distance’ a Christian preacher is seeking to overcome, to reduce. This short article focuses on three. There’s the distance between the preacher and the biblical text, the distance between the congregation and the biblical text, and the distance between the preacher and the congregation. Effective preaching involves lessening each of these ‘distances’. Here I address each in turn, giving more time to the first two. But it’s important to realise that although each contains different grains of insight and good practice, they’re not three silos separate from each other: there is considerable overlap. In my experience the preparation of a sermon involves two fluid phases. First, time is spent engaging with each of the three distances in their own right, and in any order. But then, crucially, phase two involves letting the grains of insight and good practice from each one germinate the others. The sermon created is indebted to it all, but what results is a new harvest. Each of the three distances are complex and complicated. But with diligence, prayerfulness and the ready aid of God’s Spirit who delights to reveal the things of God, overcoming distance and bringing text, people and preacher closer to each other and to God can be achieved.