Preach Magazine ISSUE 8 - Preaching and comedy | Page 4

4 WELCOME From your editor… PEOPLE DON’T WANT ENTERTAINING FLUFF, OR A BIT OF LIGHT-HEARTED BANTER – THEY WANT PROPER, CHALLENGING, EDIFYING MEAT. T he topic of this issue – preaching and comedy – was decided on long before the survey we commissioned ahead of the Sermon of the Year finals revealed the surprising fact that humour is rated by the vast majority as the least important feature of a sermon (see page 10). The person in the pew wants more content than comedy. Men in particular (49%) want to hear biblical exposition in a sermon (women 39%). Women want to hear even more practical application (44%) than men (36%). A sense of humour is only perceived as important by 2% and personal anecdotes by 1%. I think this statistic is rather encouraging. People don’t want entertaining fluff, or a bit of lighthearted banter – they want proper, challenging, edifying meat. As Rowan Pelling wrote in response to the survey in her Daily Telegraph column, ‘Call me awkward, but I do like to feel [the preacher] has undertaken a profound examination of a mystery that utterly confounds me, rather than done a brief course in stand-up.’ That being said, stand-up comics are able to hold an audience rapt by the power of their words in a way many preachers would give half their worldly goods to achieve. In this issue, we have communication tips from the comedian Bentley Browning, a whistle stop tour of the Bible’s funnier moments from Russ Bravo, and a strong argument for why churches should echo to the sound of a good belly laugh now and then by Paul Kerensa. Enjoy! COUNCIL OF REFERENCE David Bracewell – Zoe Ministry (; author; and previously Rector of Saint Saviour’s Church, Guildford. Kate Bruce – Director of the Centre for Communication and Preaching, Deputy Warden and Tutor in Homiletics, St John’s College, Durham University. Charlie Cleverly – Rector of St Aldate’s, Oxford and author of several books, most recently Song of Songs. Ian Coffey – Vice Principal (Strategy) and Director of Leadership Training, Moorlands College. Malcolm Duncan – Chair of the Spring Harvest Planning Group; Senior Minister of Gold Hill Baptist Church; Founder and Director of Church and Community. Andy Frost – Director of Share Jesus International. Ruth Gee – President of Methodist Conference 2013/14 and Methodist minister. Richard Littledale – Baptist minister, author and broadcaster. Mark Meynell – Associate Director, Langham Partnership International; author and cultural commentator. Calvin Samuel – Academic Dean of St John’s College and Director of Wesley Study Centre, Durham University. Preach resources, available in print and online, are provided by LWPT. Editor Jo Swinney Design Adept Printing Moorleys Print and Publishing Editorial office The Leaders of Worship and Preachers Trust PO Box 2352, Watford, Herts WD18 1PY T 01923 231811 F 01923 296899 E [email protected] W The Leaders of Worship and Preachers Trust is an ecumenical Trust (Charity No. 1107967) Jo Swinney Editor Copyright the Leaders of Worship and Preachers Trust 2015. All rights reserved. Permission is granted for the reproduction of text from this publication for the Leaders of Worship and Preachers Trust promotional use only. For all other uses, please contact us.