Preach Magazine ISSUE 8 - Preaching and comedy | Page 20

20 INTERVIEW JS Do you use different material according to whether you are primarily talking to Christians or others? I guess what I’m getting at is if you tone things down for church people. I don’t really. I may go a bit harder and pick on people more in a secular venue. Its suicidal really, but the biggest, meanest-looking guy I tend to pick on. I try to get them on side. You can see if it’s going badly and you change your tack. I don’t tell jokes, I do observational stuff – very gentle and inclusive. We’re all having a laugh together. I’m very passionate about sharing my faith, so it’s secular venues that get me going. I do enjoy the variety. I did something in Gloucestershire in a pub recently, organised by a local church. They were selling tickets over the bar. I had a couple of big muscular lads come in, mean looking guys with tattoos, talking about how ******* brilliant Roy Chubby Brown had ******* been last week, and all these other really blue comics and I thought, ‘Oh great’. Of course these guys sat right at the front. I’m introduced and I sort of went for them. Do you know what? They absolutely loved it. They came up at the end and said, ‘You didn’t swear, there’s nothing rude, and it was brilliant.’ One of them got saved that next weekend. I met him at Spring Harvest. He came and shook my hand. It was so lovely, but so scary. These guys had an expectation of what comedy is. JS And laughter is disarming isn’t it? I’m sure you get your message through to people more effectively because they’ve dropped their guard when you’ve made them laugh. Laugher is wonderful medicine. I’ve seen people healed at gigs. Healed of depression. I was in Sheffield a couple of weeks ago. I was picking on this old girl Margaret. She couldn’t stop laughing. I thought she was going to give herself a heart attack. Her son-in-law came up and said she’d just finished her final course of radiotherapy that day. She’d not laughed for ages. JS Have you been attacked for the faith portion of what you do? Never. At the end of the day, the gospel is good news. I thread it all the way through. I hate it when there is a big clunk – uh oh! Here’s the serious bit. You need to be creative. I used to do escapology on the street. You’d get a huge crowd, be in a straitjacket. Find out how to book Steve for your event at CHRISTIANS NEED PERMISSION TO LAUGH. I’VE SEEN PEOPLE LOOKING AT THE MINISTER, ALMOST AS IF THEY ARE CHECKING IT IS OK TO FIND SOMETHING FUNNY. THAT’S REALLY SAD.