Preach Magazine Issue 5 - Preaching to the unconverted | Page 10

10 FEATURE DOUBT IS A BALL AND CHAIN AROUND THE BEAUTIFUL FEET OF THOSE WHO ARE CALLED TO BRING GOOD NEWS! M ost preachers operate only within the four walls of their church building. Even there, most do not ever preach for a decision. Many preachers have never seen an adult conversion, let alone a Muslim or a Hindu coming to Christian faith. There is a crying need for us to emerge from our dugouts and strain every energy to pass on to others with love and enthusiasm the good news which has transformed our own lives. So I am delighted that this issue of Preach is devoted to evangelistic preaching: telling good news about Jesus Christ to people who do not know him, but badly need him. The particular angle I have been asked to write about is the doubts of the preacher, doubts which may inhibit us from direct evangelism or may cause us to sell it short because we are embarrassed or afraid of other people’s reaction. Doubt is a ball and chain around the beautiful feet of those who are called to bring good news! TACKLING OUR DOUBTS To doubt is human. There are very few things about which we can have absolute certainty; indeed the philosophers would remind us that proof resides only in refined areas of logic and mathematics. For the most part we have to operate on the basis of assurance based on good evidence. Thus you cannot prove that your mother loves you. You cannot prove that the sun will rise tomorrow. Nor can you prove that gospel preaching will be effective. But there is sufficient evidence to believe all three. Sufficient evidence can give rise to solid confidence. There is sufficient evidence for the reliability of the resurrection of Jesus, as Paul proclaimed in the market place at Athens (see Acts chapters 17 and 18). There are many areas of Christian belief where we may have justifiable doubts, but they do not include these two central areas of Jesus and the resurrection. The worldwide impact of Jesus down the centuries, his teaching, his lifestyle, his miracles, his fulfilment of prophecies uttered centuries before, his claims, and his death all validate the uniqueness of Jesus. However many doubts we may have on peripheral issues, it is hard for a true Christian to harbour doubts about the identity of Jesus. It is the same with the resurrection. Hard though it is to believe, the evidence for it is massive: Jesus’ appearances to such a varied group of people, the empty tomb, the transformed lives of disciples then and down the