Preach Magazine Issue 5 - Preaching to the unconverted | Page 55

LETTERS AND TWEETS Preaching and new media Letters and tweets Tribute to Marcus Borg ‘I am responding to Mike Dennis’ appeal for more content from a liberal theological perspective and John McCartney’s conservative/evangelical rejoinder. The writings of Paul Tillich and Don Cupitt were milestones on my personal journey of faith, although neither were accepted uncritically. Another major influence was Leslie Weatherhead’s The Christian Agnostic which I found both inspiring and liberating and a key factor in my becoming both a Methodist Local Preacher and a PhD in Psychology. However, my deepest debt of gratitude goes to Marcus Borg who, sadly, died in January of this year at the age of only 73. Borg gave me some wonderful constructs which I use frequently in preaching the gospel of Christ in a multi-faith society in a scientific age. Amongst these are (1) ‘The More’, a dimension of reality beyond the purely material universe, which transcends all major world faiths; (2) the distinction between the pre-Easter Jesus of history and the post-Easter Christ of faith; and (3) his analysis, with JD Crossan, of which letters attributed to Paul were most likely to be authentic. I would really value a full article paying tribute to the work of Marcus Borg. He is worth it!’ Dr Hugh McCredie, via email ‘With the talked-of demise of the traditional churches and congregations – ‘these things will all pass’ – the [younger] generation (who label us as needy, cashstrapped, old-fashioned, boring, middle-class and institutionalised) have already established their own ‘way to go’: big, praise-band venues with thousands of young, Spiritfilled Christians, and renting local community premises and schools for an hour or so – no financial overheads: praise be indeed! ‘We older generation despair of gaining the attention of these tabletand mobile-swiping youngsters, so ‘if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em’ must be our modus operandi, and we need to ‘hack into’ their thought rationale via social media and the internet, and of course local TV and radio, schools, café churches, etc.’ Maureen Jones (Local Preacher and great-grandmother), Wrexham Keep up the good work ‘You deserve congratulations for giving birth to Preach. What energy and vigour it offers – a fresh and exciting encouragement to anyone with a genuine concern about ministry. The challenge may be to maintain the high and inspiring standard that has been set in the first few issues. May God enable the leadership team so to do!’ Bob Weir, Radcliffe-on-Trent WRITE TO US 55 A timely nudge ‘After being a worship group member and then a worship leader in our church for around 20 years, I found I was getting ‘nudges’ from God and others about becoming a Methodist Local Preacher but I didn’t think I could do the course. I am retired and felt it would be too difficult at my age – this was my excuse. ‘Then on 14 November, the ‘nudge’ became a push. Still very much undecided, I talked it over with family, friends, and ministers. After one of these conversations with one of our ministers, I was teetering on the brink. I arrived home, opened the door, and there on the mat face up was the first issue of Preach. What better sign could I have? I started the faith and worship course, am now ‘on trial’, and am going to continue on the new local preachers’ course in September. Thank you Preach for helping me to make this momentous decision and for the contribution your magazine makes.’ Deirdre Moden, Spalding TWITTER @LSTheology Great meeting with @preachmagazine/@joswinney today – exciting plans afoot!! @JoshyBloor @PreachMagazine enjoying the Holy Spirit focus in the latest release :) @gillun just arrived @preachmagazine with articles by @marikarose and @pmphilips. Looking good We’d love to hear from you – whether you have thoughts on the features, ideas for future issues, experiences or inspiration about preaching or constructive criticism (please be kind – we are humans with feelings!). You can write to us at PO Box 2352, Watford, Herts WD18 1PY, email e ]ܐ