Preach Magazine Issue 3 - Preaching and the Holy Spirit | Page 58

58 SERIAL Pulpit Bloopers For those of us who preach regularly, it is inevitable that from time to time we may not say quite what we meant to say… W riter and preacher Jayson Bradley tweets: ‘True story: I did a wedding & meant to say “by the power invested in me” and accidentally said, “by the power of greyskull.” No one laughed.’ One vicar recalls visiting a Christian college and listening to a freshly minted graduate guest preaching. His subject? ‘The joys of immorality.’ He meant, of course, the joys of immortality. He only said it a couple times and tried to cover up as if he hadn’t said it. But the damage was done and giggling broke out occasionally even when he said it right. Pastor Thom Rainer didn’t think he was particularly active or animated when he was preaching one Sunday. But this was early in his career, money was tight and perhaps his clothes were not the highest quality. Whatever the reason halfway through his sermon his trousers split in the rear with a very recognizable noise. He writes, ‘the small congregation tried to act as if nothing had happened. I appreciated their decorum. But my problem was twofold. First, my five-yearold son was giggling uncontrollably. Second, the small choir b Z[