Change begins at Lent
Student Membership Offer
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You can be transformed by a daily journey of Bible reflections , prayers , group sessions and testimonies this Lent . Order or download your resources today at allwecan . org . uk / lent
All We Can is the operating name of The Methodist Relief and Development Fund , a charity registered in England and Wales , number 291691
ONE YEAR £ 15 TWO YEARS £ 30 THREE YEARS £ 45 ( 4 issues per year )
Sign up for membership preachweb . org / membership
Personal growth & church growth
Available now on our website
Carolyn Lawrence Vice-President of the Methodist Church
Exploring the spiritual battle
Saturday 20 March , 9.30am - 12.30pm
Derek Balsdon MET Development Worker
End times & the rising up of the church
Saturday 8 May , 10.00am - 3.00pm
William Porter Leader at the Beacon House of Prayer
Digging for Treasure : Opening up the Bible ’ s big picture
Expository preaching conference | Saturday 2 October , 10.00am - 4.00pm
Andrew Ollerton Bible Society
David Hull Methodist Evangelicals Together
Kristi Mair Oak Hill College
For further details and to book visit : methodistevangelicals . org . uk / bible-days