If we remove all the empty space from the atoms that make
humans on earth, the entire world population could fit into an
An adult giraffe’s kick is so powerful that it can kill a lion!
The oceans contain so much salt that it could cover all the
continents to a depth of 500 feet!
Scallops have 100 blue coloured eyes!
Camels can drink 30 gallons (135l) of water in 13 minutes!
The skin of hippopotamus is 4cm thick – so solid that most
bullets can’t penetrate!
Our heart beats about 100000 times a day, 36500000 times a
Honey doesn’t spoil! We could feasibly eat 300 years old
A grasshopper has green blood!
In an average lifetime, human skin completely replaces itself
300-500 times!
Your nose can remember 50,000 different scents!
A lion consumes as much as 27 kg at a single sitting!