Prayer Guide for the web | Page 8

Pray for our Nation and its leader • Pray for God’s mercy on our n (2 Chronicles 7:14) • Pray for God to deliver our na economical bankruptcy (1 Tim • Pray for our President and oth God can raise up and give wis Pray for our Brothers and Sisters i mission fields all over the world. • Pray that God would meet the • Pray for spiritual protection ag enemy • Pray for the persecuted churc million believers experience h 50 countries • Pray that God will open doors (Colossians 4:2-3) (2 Thessalo PRAYER OF TH Thank you, Lord that there is noth or control. We thank you for all th knowing that you work all things 8:28). We thank you that you love life in your Spirit, who lives in us. we can live by the Spirit rather tha on the Spirit’s desires that afford u We give thanks that when this life control, you hold us by your migh you have given us assurance that us from your hand (Romans 8:38 Praise be to the God who comfo that we can comfort those in any we ourselves receive (2 Corinthia opportunities you give us to live o that others will come to know yo these times of fear and uncertain