Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts (Full Version) Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts | Page 596

UNDERSTANDING SAMAYIK 537 the mechanical atma – mechanical soul. It can never be the real Self. That mechanical self is what they try to make still. Hey, you! It is mechanical; it can never be made still! Seeker: I did not understand that. (508) Dadashri: This ‘vyavahar atma’ (the relative self; the non-Self complex) is a mechanical self. It is not to be stilled. You (the Self) are to simply study whether the mind can remain still or not. That is all You have to ‘see.’ This samayik is done to still the mind so that this body will remain still for a while. The mind will remain still for awhile. This is meant to hold the mind steady for a little while. Just as when a tired person sits down to rest, that does not mean he is going to remain seated forever, does he? Seeker: No. Dadashri: That is how this is. This samayik is like sitting down when you are tired. Here in Akram Vignan, this machinery runs day and night and the Self remains constantly in the samayik. It is not outside of samayik even for a moment. It constantly remains in samayik even while moving about in the worldly life, or when at home with wife and children. And the Self is verily samayik. Elsewhere, the samayik they do is vyavahar samayik. The vyavahar samayik is to be done for the purpose of attaining the real samayik. This worldly samayik should be given – prescribed by a true Purush (the Gnani Purush) Seeker: What is the definition of true Purush? Dadashri: True Purush means, for example, say the collector of the Thana district has written an order for you that this much land has been given to you. Now what would occur