Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts (Full Version) Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts | Page 39
Once the mind becomes slippery, how can you contain it?
You decide not to think about your shop, yet you’ll think it!
Reading a book during Samayik is actually a form of study;
Focus placed elsewhere, is not the correct method to do it!
Oh! Puniyaa Shravak’s samayik, no one can do like it;
Ascetics, teachers, saints, sect-leaders struggle there!
You did the act of Samayik, did you ever do intent samayik?
Intents are driven away and only acts have remained in Kramic!
Instead of doing such samayik, have equanimity in life;
At home with husband, children, in-laws and relatives!
What is the use of doing an awkward and tense samayik?
If the mind can’t remain steady, it isn’t worth two cents!
Mahavir’s scale applies here and those on His path are accepted;
It is not a lawless reign here and falsehood shall not be tolerated!
Removal of arta and raudra dhyan is the essence of Jain religion;
If they aren’t removed, it is Jain by birth only and a waste of life!
Samayik without a subservient mind yields no spiritual gain;
Is driving away cats and dogs a samayik or a disgrace?
Karma through mind is samrambha; karma through speech is samaarambha;
Know the three-fold bondage: karma through body is arambha!
‘What is broken in the house?’ asks the man while doing Samayik;
‘Your Soul has broken’-says Dada; he has ashamed Lord Mahavir!
The one whose arta-raudra dhyan have totally stopped;
Is always in samayik; the Lord has already authenticated this fact!
While doing samayik, the big boss visits the ‘public house of pleasure’;
Or he calculates money in business; just see how wrong his leisure is!
Useless samayik is where the inner and outer self, prevail as separate;
Lord Mahavir will not accept it, a dual mode is not allowed there!
Gnan Vidhi is such a ‘samayik’ that one cannot do by himself;
Therefore, Dada always tells us to be there again and again!