Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts (Full Version) Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts | Page 261

202 Pratikraman to ‘this is right and that is wrong’; that opinion of yours is broken. Questioner: Mahatmas’ opinions have been destroyed, but when there is unfolding of karma, they get shaken up. What this gentleman said few minutes ago was unbecoming of him and beyond his nature. Dadashri: Yes, you realized that it came out beyond his nature, did you not? There is so much force in karma unfolding that even if one does not wish to say anything, he will end up saying it. So then there is increased repentance about it and you question why it occurred. The answer is that there is a grave disease within, so let it come out. And for that, today find some quiet time and keep repenting for five hours or so. What do you have to say (to ‘Chandulal’) in your repentance? ‘Where do you have to go? What problems do you have? And if problems do occur, then ‘whatever occurs is correct.’ Just let go. If you hang on to it, then you will take a beating.’ Did the prakruti you thought you did not have, come out? Questioner: He, file one, has never done this before. I do not even know why he did it! Dadashri: That is the very thing You have to ‘see.’ It was time for the other person’s disease to come out, and it was time for yours to come out, and that is why everything came together. Questioner: This is the unfolding of his karma; he is not the one saying this. Dadashri: Yes, it is not Him, the Self; it is the unfolding karma that is working very forcefully. You should ask him whether it was his intention (bhaavna) to speak this way and he will tell you, ‘No, that was not my wish and yet it occurred.’ And so it