Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts (Full Version) Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts | Page 225

166 Pratikraman pending. Just as we have cash in the bank, the payment they make is also in the form of cash. How Can the Obstacles Be Stopped? If a man goes to his boss for his permission and the boss refuses, he will begin to have negative thoughts about his boss; ‘My boss is worthless. He is like this…he is like that!’ Now he does not realize the consequences of his negative thinking. So if he turns his negative inner intent (bhaav) around by doing pratikraman; that is what ‘we’ call awareness. I will explain to you how obstacles in life come about. If you call a person that works for you an idiot, it becomes an obstacle for your own common sense. Now tell me – this is how obstacles are created, and everyone in the worldly life has fallen into this trap and their human life goes to waste. You have no right to tell anyone they have no sense. If you do this, that person may retort by calling you an idiot and create an obstacle for himself. Similarly, if you call someone unworthy, you are creating an obstacle for your own self worth. Now tell me, how can this world be saved from such obstacles? If you do pratikraman immediately, then you will be able to wash away these obstacles before they become impossible to remove. Pratikraman for Scolding Your Workers Questioner: In my work, in order to accomplish certain deadlines, I have insulted and mistreated many people. Dadashri: You should do pratikraman for them all. When you mistreated them, you were only fulfilling your duty. You did not do it for yourself, therefore, your intention was not bad. Questioner: In that sense, I was a very bad person; many would have been hurt by me. Dadashri: For that, you have to do a collective pratikraman that, ‘Owing to my strict nature, for whatever