Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts (Full Version) Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts | Page 192

[6] The Thorns Vanish and the Blossoms Remain 133 Questioner: What if the other person does not forgive me for my atikraman, despite my pratikraman? Dadashri: Do not be concerned about the other person. Don’t worry about others forgiving you. The nature of aggression (atikraman) in you should go away. You should become an opponent of atikraman. That is how it should be. Questioner: What if the other person continues to feel hurt? Dadashri: Do not be concerned about the other person. Be firm in your conviction that you are an adversary of atikraman. It is not your wish to do atikraman but if it occurs, you should feel remorse and your intent should be that you do not want it to happen again. Questioner: I now have the courage to say ‘sorry’ to the other person. I will do pratikraman if any atikraman occurs. Dadashri: Not a single person is yet born on this earth who has the ability to do even a hair’s worth (the slightest) of work. Questioner: How can it be acceptable if a person intentionally does atikraman, when both the parties are destroying each other off? Then is it possible to become free by doing pratikraman? Dadashri: What else can you do? This is all a process to turn back from ignorance (bhranti – wrong belief; illusion). It is not worth delving deep into this. Our concern is just with what works. Here, ‘we’ have not left anything unanswered. All you have to do is to follow the Agnas. Sometimes, if you have to ask, go ahead and ask. But do not ‘dissect’ too much; do not try to analyze anything, otherwise you will ‘lose it’! The buddhi will take over and you will be led astray by it. This is nothing but mischief of the buddhi.