Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts (Full Version) Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts | Page 168

[5] The Way of Akram Vignan 109 (shakti).’ It does not say, ‘Do this. Do that.’ Those who tell people, ‘Do this…do that,’ are at fault of leading people on the wrong path. Is, ‘Do this,’ to be found anywhere in this Gnan? Questioner: There is nothing of the sort. It says, ‘Give me the energy.’ Dadashri: But here they say, ‘Do this.’ Hey, you! What should I do? You have done it and so have we. Nothing came out of it. And here we are saying, ‘Dear Dada Bhagwan, Please give me the energy!’ That is enough! For so many millions of years, billion years, people of India have spoken spiritual language (adhyatma vani), but what is the definition of spiritual language? Here people affirm, ‘I did,’ for that which ‘happens’ on its own. Questioner: Why is there this increased artadhyan (adverse internal mediation confined to the self) in people today? (100) Dadashri: All the misery today is due to that only. Every form of misery has arisen due to this. If it were to be openly declared to people that this portion is due to ‘it occurs,’ and that portion is under your will, then a significant amount of these miseries would be alleviated. Now what do you have to do in all this? The answer is to improve whatever goes bad. You have to improve it with inner intent (bhaav). When something goes wrong, give your support to turn it around and be useful. That is all you have to do. Improve (with pratikraman) whatever goes bad. Therefore, ‘it occurs’ (everything just occurs automatically and precisely as it should). If I suddenly insult someone, it is something that ‘just occurred.’ Then I improve it from within by saying, ‘It was wrong and I repent for the actions. I am asking