Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts (Full Version) Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts | Page 166

[5] The Way of Akram Vignan 107 You Must Never Say, ‘I Cannot Do It’ All the books talk only about worldly interactions, don’t they? ‘Do it this way, do it that way, be kind, have patience, keep equanimity.’ What else can one do besides all that? And none of it is in his control. Nothing is in your control and they tell you to do something new, ‘Do this, do that.’ What is the meaning of that? Questioner: It will create confusion. Dadashri: That has already occurred. People will think, ‘I am not able to do this,’ and they start believing it too. It is fine if only confusion occurs but one ends up believing, ‘I cannot do it.’ So then he begins to become relatively inanimate (jada, tree- like), ‘I cannot do it, I cannot do it this way, I want to but I cannot.’ Hey, you! Who taught you all that? Do not say things like that! Do people say this? Questioner: Yes, they do. Dadashri: Because religious teachers (updeshaks) have brainwashed people into believing that they have to do all that. The Lord would never talk this way. Would Lord Mahavir ever speak this way? The Lord who spoke the entire scripture, would such a Lord say things like this? But these teachers of today speak in this way. ‘Practice celibacy!’ they tell you. Hey, you! Are you able to practice it yourself? Then why are you telling me to? A real sadhu (Self-realized being who is unmarried) can do so, and the other is the go-putra (bull). These two kinds of beings can practice celibacy. The celibacy of a true sadhu is considered true celibacy. And the celibacy that the bull practices is considered forced celibacy (parvash). Really, none of these poor people are at fault (doshit). In ‘My’ Gnan, they are flawless (nirdosh) for sure; nevertheless, I still have to speak this way for the sake of worldly interactions. Otherwise, the facts will never be known.