Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts (Full Version) Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts | Seite 148

[4] How Amazing is the Awareness of the Gnani Purush! 89 Dadashri: It is like this: the instant ‘we’ utter a word, there is simultaneous pratikraman being done with fervor. Questioner: But when you tell the truth about something, then why is pratikraman necessary? Dadashri: No, I still have to do pratikraman. Why did I see someone’s fault? Why did I see his fault even though he is flawless? Why did I criticize him despite this? Any truth that hurts others is not considered truth and should not be uttered. If uttered, this truth becomes a fault. It represents violence. ‘We’ do instant pratikraman. ‘We’ have seen all the sadhus and acharyas as nirdosh (flawless). To ‘us,’ no one is at fault (doshit); even though ‘we’ say otherwise, to ‘us,’ no one is doshit. But because ‘we’ speak to the contrary, there is always instant pratikraman behind it. This is the result of the lack of four degrees necessary for Keval Gnan (absolute enlightenment). Otherwise, ‘we’ experience complete vitaragata (total absence of attachment and abhorrence). And you will have to do a lot of pratikraman. Even though ‘we’ speak, ‘our’ awareness prevails, whereas you cannot speak this way at all. You have to have the awareness. You can never speak this way. Questioner: What occurs if we do not do pratikraman? Will we be liable for the wrongdoing? Dadashri: They will file a ‘claim’ against you. They would have filed hundreds of claims against ‘us’ in the karmic court. What occurs if you do not settle those claims? They will remain pending. Hence those claims will remain pending until you do pratikraman. After Self-Realization, Unaffected and Pure as a Lily Questioner: One can remain like the water lily