Pratikraman 15
behavior ), so everything remains spotless and meticulous . When it is done only once a year , are you able to clean all your clothes ?
My pratikraman is the ‘ shoot-on-sight ’ pratikraman . What you consider pratikraman is not pratikiraman at all , because the stains are not removed , while mine are spotless . Pratikraman is when all the stains ( atikraman ) are removed and the clothes are immaculate .
Clothes must be laundered every single day . Each individual clothing needs washing . What do the Jains do ? They accumulate a year ’ s worth of dirty laundry and then attempt to wash it all at once . The Lord certainly does not allow it . Each clothing needs to be washed separately with great care . When you manage to wash at least five hundred a day , you will be making progress .
However many of your faults you are able to see , that many faults will decrease . This lady here is able to see five hundred of her faults a day , so what prevents others from seeing their own ? Something is still lacking . Surely it is not because they have become completely faultless that they cannot see their faults ?
The Lord has emphasized the need to do pratikraman daily , but people only do it once a year during Paryushan ( Jain religious event of eight days ). The Lord said that a true merchant is the one who keeps an account in his record book for the entire day , tallying his ledger in the evening . If he were to log everything just once a year , how would he manage to remember all his accounts and set his books straight ? The Lord has stressed the importance of keeping a logbook for the entire day , as a true merchant would . If an entry is made incorrectly , that is if a misdeed occurs , it must be erased through pratikraman .