Pratikraman: Freedom Through Apology & Repentance (Abr.) (In English) Pratikraman: Freedom Through Apology & Repentence | Page 104

Pratikraman 91 the religions, and their religious heads, and do pratikraman for any negative comments or criticisms you have made, instigated others to make, in this life, past life, past calculable lives, and past infinite lives. Ask for strength not to repeat any such transgression against them, in the slightest degree. Before Gnan, I had a very strong ego. I used to criticize people and was disrespectful to them, but at the same time I used to be full of praise for some. I would criticize one and praise another. After 1958, when I became a Gnani, I told A. M. Patel, “Wash away all the contempt you had towards others. Put soap on it and wash it off.’” After that I recalled each and every person I had treated with contempt including neighbors, uncles, aunts, and in-laws. I had treated so many people with contempt, so I washed them off. Questioner: Did you do pratikraman in your mind or did you ask for forgiveness personally? Dadashri: I told Ambalal that he had done a lot of things that were wrong. I told him that I could see them all and that he should wash away all his wrong deeds. I told Ambalal that he should not forget Chandubhai and all the disrespect and verbal abuse he directed at him. I described all this in detail to him and instructed him to do pratikraman and speak in the following manner: “Dear Shuddhatma Bhagwan, who is completely separate from the mind, speech and body of Chandubhai, and his bhaavkarma, dravyakarma, and nokarma. Dear Shuddhatma Bhagwan of Chandubhai, I am asking for forgiveness for all errors committed towards Chandubhai. I am asking this in the presence of Dada Bhagwan. I will never repeat such faults again.” Do the pratikraman in this manner and you will notice a