Pratibimba 2019 Pratibimba 2019 | Page 17

k|ltlaDa Nature reflects our nature Nature and Social Concern Society Board of 2018: President Injal Bhattarai Secretary Sabin Dotel Vice President Smritee Subedi Treasurer Hirendra Bista Joint Secretary Nirvik Dotel Chief Editor Shreeya Manandhar Editors Shraddha Kunwar Shrabada Gurung Network and Marketing Amitab Bajra Bajracharya Shreya Kaphle Executive Members Sagar Kunwar Aanchal Shrestha Bishal Lamsal Anjana Kuinkel Kshitij Sharma Kopila Basyal Ishan Subedi Sakshi Gorkhali Message from the President A century ago we didn't have all these technologies we u use today. It was a whole different world, but to the e a earth, a hundred years is just a cipher. Even a million y years is nothing. This planet lives on gigantic scale we c cannot even imagine. We can't describe how diverse the services of this beautiful planet is and we haven't got the audacity to conserve it. We've been here for a second and if we're gone tomorrow, the earth will not even miss us. Earth is what we have taken from the future generation on loan and everything we and do to exploit is what we and our future generation will have to pay to repair it.We, the students of one of the most reputed institutions feel that this plight of the environment needs to get to the larger audienc- es and it is exactly what Nature and Social Concern Society (NSCS) was, is and will always be focused on. I still remember “name of the magazine (if we are going to publish one)” was what everyone talking about when we were discussing the idea of the annual magazine. After a few days with lots of ideas we all agreed that “Pratibimba” is what we are going to publish, “Prati- bimba” is what will reflect the true image of what we have done to nature. Writing as the President of this club I would like to express my gratitude towardsthe family of the first edition of Pratibimba for making this possible as this is one of the finestinitiatives in the history of NSCS. As knowledge grows on sharing, Pratibimba will grow as it shares and aware people of their duty towards the home we live in. My best wishes and once again kudos to the team of this amazing magazine. Nature and Social Concern Society 17