Nature reflects our nature
Message from the Coordinator
It is really an honor and proud moment for me to be a part of Pratibimba, Volume 1.
As this is the first issue of Pratibimba, my team and I are very excited for it. “Prati-
bimba”, an environmental magazine has helped students to showcase their talent in
terms of academic projects, skills in photography, art, design, editing, marketing and
more. I hope that this magazine will reflect many topics related to the environment
as we have given our best to make it as informative as possible. We all know, the
environment is something that is connected to everything in this world. The content of
the magazine also tries to do the same as it contains articles from almost every field.
As a Coordinator, I would like to express my gratitude towards the department, NSCS,
Kathmandu University, all the sponsors and especially my team members without
whom the dream of the first Pratibimba would not have been possible.
Here’s to hoping that my juniors, as they set out on a four year journey at Kath-
mandu University, will discover their own passions, unearth their dreams, vanquish
their fear, shape their ambitions and give continuity to Pratibimba. Here’s to looking
forward to reading Pratibimba 2020 for which I wish everyone all best and also wish
for their strength, courage and determination to reach their destination, and also for
leaving behind stronger trails of Pratibimba for their juniors as well.
Sadip Raj Pandey
Pratibimba 2019
Nature and Social Concern Society