Practical Creek Care - A Handbook for Stewardship | Page 9

Suspended and fine sediments , nutrients from fertilizers , sewage , and pathogens . These degrade water quality and reduce the amount of oxygen available for aquatic life .
A creek bed , especially pools , filled with fine sediment . Vertical or actively eroding creekbanks .
Toxic pollutants ( such as metals , pesticides , fertilizers , soaps , paints , auto fluids ) entering a creek .
Yard waste , trash , or other debris such as tires , shopping carts , or concrete rubble dumped on creek banks or into the creek .
Bare unvegetated creekbanks . A creek channel with little or no shade from overhanging trees .
A riparian corridor with many non-native species . Creekbanks lined with wood or concrete retaining walls . Warm water or water stagnant with algae .