Practical Creek Care - A Handbook for Stewardship | Page 40

QUICK TIPS — Do ’ s & Don ’ ts

Stream & Floodplain Alterations Don ’ t ...
Alter the floodplain or the channel of a creek bed without appropriate state and local permits .
Do ...
Acquire all appropriate permits and consider impacts to water quality and aquatic habitat of a creek .
Why ?
Obtaining the proper permits ensures that the property owner has legal permission from regulatory agencies to alter creek beds or floodplains , and that floodplain modifications will not endanger lives or property .
Septic Systems
Don ’ t … Install a septic system near a drinking water line , creek or in the floodplain . Do ...
Have your septic system installed outside of the floodplain and away from a creek . Have your septic system installed by a licensed installer . Report sewer overflows or leaks to your local authorities .
Why ?
Most septic systems use surrounding soils to remove phosphorus ; certain soil conditions , combined with close proximity to surface water , can result in contamination of creeks .
Livestock Don ’ t ...
Allow livestock access to creek bank areas that have been severely affected by uncontrolled grazing .
Do ...
Why ?
Fencing off stream banks allows for re-growth of vegetation and can help stop pollutants in manure from entering the stream .
Manage livestock access to creek banks by fencing out heavily trampled areas . Piping water from the creek to adjacent areas for livestock use can be an effective measure for protecting riparian habitat .