Practical Creek Care - A Handbook for Stewardship | Page 2

The City of Arlington , Environmental Management Division offers the information contained in this guide for use by residents and businesses located in Arlington , Texas . Please note that the stormwater management projects , tips , and best management practices ( BMPs ) listed in this guide are voluntary projects recommended strictly for homeowners and business owners and are not designed for professionals required to comply with the City ’ s Stormwater regulations . While every attempt has been made to furnish the latest and most up to date information in this guide , updates , revisions , modifications , deletions , and additions may have taken place after its production and distribution . As such , the user of this guide is not relieved of their duty to obtain any revisions and updates . Environmental Management is not liable for the use of information in this guide that results in additional costs due to changes that occurred after the production of this guide . This guide is provided to on an “ AS IS ” and “ WITH ALL FAULTS ” basis . The reader acknowledges and assumes the entire risk of loss in using this guide and the information provided herein . The Reader further acknowledges that this guide is complex and may contain some nonconformities , defects and / or errors . Environmental Management does not warrant that this guide will meet the Reader ’ s needs or expectations , or that all nonconformities can or will be corrected . Environmental Management assumes no risk , liability , or responsibility for the accuracy of this guide . No warranty : The City makes , and the Reader receives , no warranty whether expressed or implied . No oral or written advice or information provided by city or any of its agents or employees shall create a warranty or in any way increase the scope of this paragraph , and you are not Entitled to rely on any such advice or information . Limitation of liability : in no event shall the City be liable for any damages , claim or loss incurred by you ( including , without limitation , compensatory , incidental , indirect , special , consequential or exemplary damages , lost profits , lost sales or business , expenditures , investments or commitments in connection with any business , loss of any goodwill , or damages Resulting from use of this guide , irrespective of whether city has been informed of , knew of , or should have known of the likelihood of such damages ). This limitation applies to all causes of action in the aggregate , including without limitation , breach of contract , breach of warranty , negligence , strict liability , misrepresentation and all other torts .
The Practical Creek Care Handbook was adapted from guides published by the City of Arlington (© 1999 ), The North Central Texas Council of Governments ( NCTCOG ), the National Park Service ( NPS ), the San Antonio River Authority ( SARA ), City of Walnut Creek , CA , the Alameda County Public Works Agency , and Marin County , CA . This Handbook is published by the City of Arlington Environmental Management Group who thanks the following partners , in addition to those listed above , for their assistance and the use of their resources and / or materials contained herein :
City of Arlington , Parks and Recreation Department , Urban Forestry and Beautification Division City of Arlington , Public Works and Transportation Department , Stormwater Division Applied Ecological Services
Content , graphics , and design layout : Dr . Brigette Gibson , Stormwater Quality Manager , Environmental Management Kassandra Madrid , Environmental Management Intern Sarah Mendoza , Environmental Specialist Audra Valamides , P . E ., Senior Engineer , Stormwater Management
Photo Credits : Kassandra Madrid , Environmental Management Intern ; Lee Jeffrey , P . E ., Civil Engineer , Stormwater Management ; Audra Valamides , P . E ., Senior Engineer , Stormwater Management Editing / Review : Christopher Funches , P . E ., Civil Engineer , Public Works and Transportation , Engineering Operations