Practical Creek Care - A Handbook for Stewardship | Page 50


Silt fence – a temporary sediment control device used on construction sites to protect water quality in nearby streams , rivers , lakes and bays . A typical fence consists of a piece of synthetic filter fabric ( also called a geotextile ) stretched between a series of wooden or metal stakes .
Sludge – the heavier solids that separate from wastewater inside the septic tank and sink to the bottom . These solids accumulate and must be removed periodically by pumping .
Storm sewer – a system of storm drains , channels and pipes that rapidly transports stormwater runoff from streets , sidewalks and other impervious cover into streams with little or no treatment .
Stormwater runoff ( or runoff ) – water that flows over the surface of the land when rainfall is not able to infiltrate the soil , either because the soil is already saturated with water or because the land surface is impervious . Stormwater can pick up debris , chemicals , dirt and other pollutants and flow into a storm sewer system or directly to a lake , stream , river or wetland .
Stream buffer – zones of variable width which are located along both sides of a stream and are designed to provide a protective natural area along a stream corridor .
Stream flow ( also referred to as flow ) – the rate at which a volume of water passes a given point in a stream , usually expressed in cubic feet per second ( cfs ).
Subwatershed – a smaller basin within a larger drainage area where all surface water drains to a central point .
Suspended sediment – fine material or soil particles suspended in water by the current .
Swale – an open drainage channel or depression explicitly designed to detain and promote the filtration of stormwater runoff .
Tillage – the mechanical manipulation of soil performed to nurture crops . Tillage accomplishes a number of tasks including seedbed preparation , weed control and crop chemical incorporation .
Vegetative litter – organic waste material which has been disposed of in areas not designated for solid waste disposal .
Water body – a stream , river or lake that receives the runoff water from a watershed .
Water quality – a measure of the suitability of water for a particular use based on selected physical , chemical and biological characteristics . To determine water quality , scientists first measure and analyze characteristics of the water such as temperature , dissolved mineral content and number of bacteria . Selected characteristics are then compared to numeric standards and guidelines to decide if the water is suitable for a particular use .
Watershed – all of the land area that drains water to a common point , usually a lake , river or stream .
Watershed divides – lines that separate watersheds .
Surface water – all water naturally open to the atmosphere ( rivers , lakes , reservoirs , ponds , streams , impoundments , seas , estuaries , etc .) and all springs , wells or other collectors directly influenced by surface water .