Create Your Own Butterfly Garden
In recent years , Arlington ’ s city leaders have strived to create an inviting environment for pollinators . With more than 20 Monarch Butterfly waystations throughout the City ’ s park system , the City ’ s pollinator population has grown and thrived more than ever . In addition to these efforts , Arlington citizens can also take personal steps to serve local pollinators in their own backyards . Keep reading for helpful advice on how to create your own butterfly garden to help a variety of pollen-collecting insects while also bringing beauty to your garden !
Size and Soil Once you decide on a location , the next step is to determine what size of garden you ’ d like and prepare the soil in that area . It ’ s important to be aware of which type of native soil you have in your yard . Most plants do best when planted in native soil , but if your native soil is very rocky or has high clay content , it may not give you the most desired results . If necessary , you can consider creating a raised bed so you have complete control of the soil type . To prepare the area , begin by removing all turf grass where you ’ d like to incorporate your butterfly garden . You can remove grass by digging it up , or if you aren ’ t in a rush you can place black plastic over the grass for around a month , which will kill the grass for easy removal . After the grass is removed , till the soil and consider adding in some organic matter like compost .
Visit the GETTING HELP page at the end of this handbook for City Staff contacts on butterfly gardens !
Location is Key The first step to building a successful butterfly garden is deciding on the perfect location . Most plants that attract butterflies will need at least 6 hours of sun each day , so you ’ ll want to survey your yard during daylight hours and note which areas receive enough sun . Building a butterfly garden in a shady area could be detrimental to your plants . When considering location , you will also want to think about how you will water your plants . Make sure your garden will be easily accessible so you can water regularly , in addition to what the plants would normally receive during rain .