Through the use of simple , economical gardening and landscaping practices , residents can reduce the pollutants that run off their property into adjacent creeks or storm drains . Check out the creek friendly yard maintenance tips below !
Be sure not to mow up to the streambank and disturb the riparian area . Mowing up to the streambank causes loss of the riparian area and bank instability , which then leads to streambank failure .
Landscape with native plant species ! A list of native plants for Arlington is included in the Quick Reference Guide at the end of this handbook !
Avoid dumping grass clippings along the streambank . This can impact the water quality of the stream . Grass clippings contribute nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorous when they decay , thereby causing uncontrolled and unwanted growth of algae and aquatic weeds in the waterways .
Additionally , dumping grass clippings or other yard waste along the streambank fills in the area that is used for a floodplain . Floodplains give streams spaces to spread out and slow down which allows sediment , nutrients and other pollutants a place to drop out . Floodplains also provide flood storage , groundwater recharge and valuable habitat .
Avoid or minimize the use of fertilizers , pesticides , insecticides , herbicides , fungicides , etc . Consider slow-release fertilizers to minimize nitrogen runoff and using natural predators for insect control . A list of some of these are provided on the next page . However , if you must use fertilizers and pesticides , follow application directions explicitly .
Avoid using chemicals entirely in wet weather or on windy days .
Avoid raking , sweeping , or blowing leaves or lawn clippings into the street or storm drain . Add them to a compost pile to make fertilizer for your property . If composting isn ' t possible , rake or sweep up clippings and dispose using curbside yard waste collection services .
Ask your landscape service to haul away pruning debris , leaves , lawn clippings , and other yard debris for composting .