Swimming Pool ( and Spa ) Maintenance
Chlorine and copper algicides used in swimming pools and spas are toxic to aquatic organisms and other wildlife . Swimming pool and spa water should never be drained to the street , gutter . or storm drain .
The best way to drain your pool or spa :
Let the chlorine dissipate by allowing the water to sit for up to two weeks and then drain into the sanitary sewer or onto landscaping . Be sure not to impact adjacent properties or nearby creeks . If you cannot allow the pool water to sit , add sodium bisulfate in the amounts suggested on the label .
Do not use copper-based algicides . Proper chlorination should take care of algae problems .
If you use a pool service , discuss safe pool cleaning methods with them .
Contact your local authority for more information on proper swimming pool and spa drainage .
Filter Backwash
Never discharge filter backwash to a storm drain or creeks . Filter backwash should be collected , contained , and discharged to the sanitary sewer . Cartridge filters may be rinsed in a sink , bathtub , or over a lawn or other vegetated area . Use a separation tank to capture diatomaceous earth ( DE ) and cellulose fiber .