PR TIMES AFRICA PRTimesAfrica (March 2016) | Page 5

MESSAGE FROM THE PUBLISHER The global Public Relations scene has continued to evolve, with the lines between traditional ad- vertising, marketing and PR becoming ever more blurred. In Africa there is a greater awareness about the crucial role that effective brand communications plays in determining how an ever more informed consumer relates with brands on a daily basis. In this edition we have quite a few articles that touch on the role of decision makers in taking ownership of their brand communications in today’s ever dynamic market place. Africa has continued to astound itself, despite the biting effects of lower commodity prices, which many had feared would lead her down the slippery slope of an economic meltdown. There are still challenges, but African economies continue to move forward, drawing up grand plans for even more expansion. The articles in Africa Today highlight the strides being made by this beautiful continent while pointing to the leaders a number of areas where we can focus to create even more streams of income for the component nations of Africa. The issue of out-of-school children is highlighted in one of our articles, bringing to the fore this menace that threatens our future in a knowledge economy. Diplomatic Corner is bigger and better with greater insights from diplomats both from Africa and partner nations like Finland. It is our very strong belief at the very highest levels of this project that Africa needs to further explore the massive opportunities that exist for trade within Africa and also trade with non-exploitative partners. This edition is packed with interesting and educative pieces that celebrate the indomitable spirit of Africa. That indomitable spirit is personified by the everyday African, represented by our Five Stars, who beat the odds on a daily basis and keep surviving an environment that is supposedly disad- vantaged to rise to the very top of their chosen areas of endeavour. While a tip of the iceberg that is Africa’s natural beauty is expressed in a piece on Tanzania’s tourist sites. Please enjoy flipping through the pages and taking in insights into the evolving Public Relations and brand communications arena as well as celebrating the African dream in forward motion. ALWALEED KHABIR YOUSOUFF 4 5 | PRTIMES AFRICA MARCH 2016