PR TIMES AFRICA PRTimesAfrica (March 2016) | Page 28

What was the reaction back home when you got the posting? My family has always been happy about me going places, and has supported me in that. I remember that even when I was young and wanted to go the United States as an exchange student for a year, my mother’s immediate reaction was that when she was young she did not have those opportuni- ties, so I should go. My husband and son are very supportive, too. Of course family back home might get worried sometimes when they hear interna- tional news about security problems in Nigeria. I think some people thought it was courageous of me to come to Nigeria… -while happy to receive the compliment, I always make a very conscious effort to explain to people at home, including me- dia and businesses, the many faces and all the positive and fascinating things that Nigeria has to offer. programmes? There are a number of Nigerian students that go and study in Finnish universities every year. Also Nigerian school students have been visiting Fin- land quite regularly. Universities in Finland and Nigeria have cooperation, and I hope that this kind of contacts increase. Finland has a very well developed education system, one of its strengths being vocational education and training – this could also offer a lot of potential for cooperation. Societies and economies cannot operate with just university graduates, and in Finland vocational education is of high quality and actually also quite popular among youngsters. Whenever I have the opportunity, I always like to talk about the impor- tance of education. It is good to see that in Nigeria, too, the government has identified it as an import- ant priority. How would you describe the Finnish mission in Nigeria? Finland and Nigeria enjoy a very long and good re- lationship. Our first embassy in sub-Saharan Afri- ca was in Nigeria,originally established in 1963 in Lagos, and thenlater moved to Abuja. There have beensome high level visits in past years, and we are preparing for more. At the same time, the rela- tions could be a lot more intensive - and to achieve that is of course the essence of my job and mis- sion here. There are so many things we could do in terms of business for instance. Several important Finnish companies already operate and do busi- ness in Nigeria – Nokia for instance,Wärtsiläin the power sector, orKONE in lifts and escalators, or sayVaisala withvery sophisticated meteorolog- ical technology that is actually already present in many Nigerian airports - I travelledto BirninKebbi myself when the new airport with some Vaisala technology there was commissioned.Of course there are many other potential sectors, too. One of them is health. Just in November we organized in Lagos a large event that was about promoting health and well-being and the expertise that Fin- land has to offer in this area. What is the focus of Finnish foreign relations in general? In promoting a fair world, good and strong rela- tions and forging genuine partnerships with the rest of the world, andsecuring a prosperous future for Finland and the Finnish people, we feel it is important to be an active international player, to work in many areas simultaneously, and to be a responsible member of the international commu- nity. Finland has been a member of the Europe- an Union for a long time already. We are also one of the five Nordic countries with whom we have a very close traditional relationship and work closely together. We are active in international organiza- tions like the United Nations and have been a very active partner for decades in international efforts to promote sustainable development and peace in the world. While situations and solutions in dif- ferent countries can be different, we feel strongly that values and strengths such as equality, human rights,good governance, education and health that we hold very dear in Finland need to be promoted globally. A crucially important area in our foreign relations is also promoting trade and economic relations. In fact in Nigeria, this is the main focus of Finland and my mission. Is there anything your mission is doing to bridge the communication gap, say through exchange What are the strengths that Finland brings to its relations with Nigeria? 28 | PRTIMES AFRICA MARCH 2016