PR TIMES AFRICA PRTimesAfrica (March 2016) | Page 16

THE STORY TELLER WHO BECOMES ONE WITH THE STORY A native of Abba in Anambra state, South-east Ni- geria, Ngozi Chimamanda Adichie was born on 15th September, 1977, in the coal city of Enugu to Grace Ifeoma (first female registrar of the prestigious Uni- versity of Nigeria Nsukka) and James Nwoye Adichie (Nigeria’s first Professor of Statistics of the Universi- ty of Nigeria). She grew up in the University of Nige- ria(UNN), Nsukka campus, living in the former apart- ment of the great writer Chinua Achebe. Her love affair with books started at a very tender age, when she started reading and writing with pencil & crayon illustrations that according to her, her “poor mother was obligated to read”. Though initially her writings were influenced by her exposure to Europe- an and American books that had little semblance to the realities of her environment, she was mentally transformed by her exposure to the books by African greats like Chinua Achebe and Camara Laye, whose African stories taught her that people like her could exist in the world of books. CHIMAMANDA NGOZI ADICHIE 16 | PRTIMES AFRICA MARCH 2016