PR TIMES AFRICA PR TIMES AFRICA Magazine june 2015 | Page 49
Barack Obama,
Kenyan-born president of
the United States of
America widely regarded
as the most powerful
nation in the world
Aliko Dangote,
Nigerian billionaire
entrepreneur named as
the Forbes Africa Person
of the Year 2014, No. 1
richest man in Africa, 67
richest in the world and
68 most powerful person
in the world
America is not our home.
Africa is.
Which brings me to my next
point, should blacks be afraid
of being black ? Here's my
answer HELL NO ! Here's why,
there is a power in being
black. We as people need to
understand that power. Black
people are very diverse in
culture and rather than unite
us, it has divided us. Africans
vs African Americans vs
Caribbeans . We have to
remember that we are BLACK
! There is more of us then
them. Blacks are under
attack, we can't even go to
church in peace. We need to
understand strength in
numbers. If we did, we as a
people would be better off.
That's why the whites don't
want us to know that so they
keep us separated with
Mo Ibrahim,
Sudanese-born British
entrepreneur and billionaire.
A respected international
philanthropist and thought
to be the most powerful
black man in Britain.
Philip Emeagwali,
Nigerian-born inventor of
the world’s fastest
computer and a father of
the internet, was voted the
greatest African scientist
of all time in a survey by
New African magazine.
artificial divisions.
These series of events are a
turning point in our country for
our people. Black people I
don't care where you are
from and we need to say
“enough is enough.” The
senseless killings of blacks
needs to end like yesterday.
We do not need anymore
Trayvon's. Trayvon was one
too many.
What can we do ? Let's start
by calling some people out
shall we. The Africans in the
Diaspora we have to do
better and stand in solidarity
with our brothers&sisters. We
can't keep letting these
division hinder our
progression. Africans and
Africans Amercians need to
listen to each other and hear
the pain, frustration, confusion
that we have.
Enoch Adeboye,
the General Overseer of
Redeemed Christian
Church of God (RCCG),
voted one of the 50 most
powerful people in
the world by Newsweek
Magazine in 2008.
American R&B artist is
ranked 5th most powerful
celebrities in Africa. He
launched “Akon Lighting
Africa” in February 2014
providing electricity for
African villages.
Let's find a common ground
to relate on. We will find out
we are cut from the same
cloth. Let's the eliminate the
language of us vs them and
change it to WE ! Until that
happens we are still in
mental slavery. The African
Union, this group needs to
address these senseless
violence and help stand up
for its people. In order for
Africa to heal as a continent
we need to also help heal
our brothers &sisters here too.
We will soon realize that
what's going on here; some
can relate to.
Blacks in general are very
strong. If we realize that
strength we will be powerful.
ck #beblackandproud
Chérie Cocoz
amandu Tshimanga, who goes by Samy, is a college graduate from Indiana University South Bend with a Bachelors of
Arts in Political Science and a minor in Sociology. She loves the study of people. She is a freelance analyst and talks
about politics, human rights and whatever else floats her boat. Her column Africa Today with Samy highlight's the
challenges of being an African in the 21st century. Samy also has a blog #DiaryofAnAfricanGyal which discusses any social
issues or what her readers will like to read. Originally from Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, Samy currently resides in
Indianapolis. You can follow her on Twitter: @La_general_ or Facebook: Samy Tshimanga.
VOL 1. JULY 2015