PR Pitch 2 | Page 48

46 Product Product The winning formula SPEED Adaptability Accessibility While marketing has proven to play an important role in the establishment of Topshop as a leader of the high street sector, the range of products sold in store still play the centre role in its current success. Over the years, Topshop extended its portfolio of products beyond clothing goods to introduce new products ranging from footwear and accessories to cosmetic products. Such direction in the product offer strategy has enabled Topshop to introduce the brand identity within different aspects of its consumers’ lives. Topshop proves to successfully follow trends in consumer consumption and adapts its offer accordingly. Recent research in consumerism has shown a growing trend for mixing clothing from different price level especially amongst youngsters. ‘ “Young Consumers reall like the y idea of mixing a v ariety of price points” ‘ ‘We ha al ys prided oursel ve wa ves on being first to market with the latest trends and product innov ation.’ ’ Sir Philip Green to Elle UK ’ Robert Burke to Times magazine As an answer to such evolution in fashion consumption, Topshop has been adapting its in-store offer: 47 ‘ “ We can sell twofor-$18 jerseys and a $500 dress within 15 feet of each other. That’s the secret. We ha something for ve everyone.” ’ Sir Phillip Green to WGSN Finally, Topshop extreme focus on fast-fashion production has established it as one of the most competitive brand in the field of speedy manufacturing. Currently, Topshop can stock a product in store within two weeks of its order from manufacturers. (*11). The brand highly contributed to the evolution in fashion consumption since 1964.