2. Offer sense of exclusivity
The content of the event has been design to deliver exclusive activities to its visitors throughout the day (see Process). Visitors and
precisely Topshop Fans’ satisfaction will be at heart of Topshop
objectives during the run of Topshop Village’s activities.
Building loyalty with consumers can take long but Topshop has
been excelling in this area for years with their extraordinary store
environment and marketing strategies, which provide customer
with first class emotional experiences. Topshop social media
strategy has been pursuing the same objective (see promotion).
The Topshop village aims to further establish Topshop in this domain yet outside of its retail environment. The on-site installations
at the Topshop Village will perform high-class services and provide a level of spectacle never delivered before in such form by
any comparable British brands. The event will be a rare opportunity for visitors to dive into the world of fashion and be a Topshop
insider for the day while Topshop will have the chance to fully
connect with its audience in its own branded space.
Visitors willing to tra
vel to the