PR Pitch 2 | Page 38

36 Product Product EVENT OBJECTIVES 1. REVEAL THE BEHIND THE SCENES OF A F ASHION SHOW ‘ ARROGANT “Authenticity remains the most important f actor when it comes to better connecting with the youth market” 12 % ’ WGSN, Youth Marketing The Topshop Village is an event designed to reveal the making and happening of a fashion show to its visitors through the run of physical activities in the space of Covent Garden. While visitors will have the chance to see Topshop Unique fashion show live from Covent Garden’s piazza, they will also have the opportunity to witness the making of it in the hours leading to the show with the installation of a transparent backstage area in the centre of the Piazza. 90% of people want to know more about the behind the scenes of f ashion The Fashion’s Behind the Scenes has been a growing popular subject in popular culture over the past decade. In a world dominated by media flux of information, new generations have grown to want to know about everything, including fashion. A recent research within the targeted youth market has enabled me to highlight a strong growing demand for fashion industry insight. 90% of people surveyed stated they wish to know more about the behind the scenes of the industry. For 43% it’s an “entertaining” domain of activity and a further 27% qualify it as “fun” while a clear minority of 12% classified it as arrogant. (1*) Jourdan Dunn Topshop Unique backstage S/S 2014 Show American TV show, America’s next Top Model ENTERTAINING FUN 27% 43% The behind the scene phenomenon is a natural evolution of a society in need for truth and authenticity, particularly the youth, a market growing in a context saturated by propagandist media information. The rise of reality television programs searching for the next “it” model or designer, documentary about fashion magazines editors as well as the common iconization of designers are the current examples of the over exposition of fashion Behind the scenes culture. Unfortunately, mass medias have grown to broadcast a rather stereotypical image of the sartorial industry – often miles away from the reality of many industry professionals. For this exact reason, Topshop, through the organization of the Topshop Village, will aim to unveil the truth about what really happen behind the brand’s closed doors, insuring its visitor’s an understanding as well total transparency of its practice of fashion. 37