PR Pitch 2 | Page 36

34 35 Producct Product UMBRELLAS CE PA S This event involves the revision of two major aspects of the Covent Garden offer: Spectacle and Space. Both aspects are strengths of the current Covent Garden offer and will be used at the advantage of the strategic development of this project to attract younger crowd in the area. Future thinking will also be involved in the process of this event as new solution regarding the future of fashion shows will be investigated. FU FU TU TU RE RE NG IING NK IINK TH TH Covent Garden is a neighbourhood of Central London largely renowned for its entertaining offer, varying from free street entertainment to high profile West End shows. The event will utilize the neighbourhood establishment within that field to develop and event that will offer a new genre of entertainment, in sync with Topshop’s innovative values. CLE CTA SPE Covent Garden is an iconic landmark of London, its historical values and unique architectural features have established the neighbourhood as a popular destination for both local and international visitors. Covent Garden setting promotes strong British values in the popular culture minds. The setting will be utilized to enforce the symbolic of Topshop as a successful British brand throughout the course of the event by largely promoting the space it is taking place in to empower Topshop’s heritage. The development of the Topshop village will implicate the practice of Future Thinking, as it will aim to introduce new solutions to the future of fashion shows as well as innovative tactics for brand communication.