PR for People Monthly SEPTEMBER 2016 | Page 26

Small Town Journalist, Baby Boomer

When I was 15 and working on my high school paper, I got a tip that the PE teacher/track coach was unhappy with the new artificially surfaced track, replacing the old cinder track. I went to the track with him and he showed me how he could easily pull handfuls of asphalt-like muck up with his hands. The administration wouldn't listen to him. When I went to interview the superintendent, he put a tape recorder on his desk "so you quote me right." I thought that was the coolest thing ever. He was worried about me. The track got replaced. I was hooked.

Every kid I grew up with was routinely asked this question. Decades later, it’s time to ask again. What did you want to be? When did you know? These thoughtful answers tell the story of our sometimes haphazard, sometimes purposeful path into the workforce.

Round-up From Nebraska |

What Do You Want to be When You Grow Up?

by Kindra Foster with Patrick Clark