PR for People Monthly SEPTEMBER 2015 | Page 33

Who is God? What is God? Why do we believe in him, or it? We were brought up being taught about God, or any other name this being is called. It is part of our faith and belief system to serve a higher power. This higher power gives us wisdom, courage and reassurance about life and how we choose to live it. This being, higher power or God, if you will, is within each and every one of us, through our thoughts, words, actions, hearts and spirits.

A woman creating and carrying another human being inside of her body for nine months, who later becomes a member of society, is a miracle and fascination all in itself. The human body being able to heal itself after a cut or surgery, or a person walking away from a serious accident without a scratch, speaks volumes about God, miracles and faith. Your heartbeat, emotions, intuition and feelings are amazing gifts that cannot be explained.

How do we answer these questions? How do we begin to question miracles that we witnessed but could not explain why or how it happened? How do we answer why there are so many different seasons, countries, planets, languages and cultures? How do we explain how animals are created in all shapes, sizes and colors? How do we explain nature in itself?

All of this came from somewhere. We have no exact answer. We don’t know the right or wrong way in explaining or experiencing the miracles and mysteries of life – whether it is God, the Universe, Allah, Muhammad, Krishna, Spiritual Being, or any other name used to describe this higher power, miracle or mystery. One thing is for sure, we all serve or pray to someone or something we have never seen; however, we have all witnessed and experienced miracles and mysteries.

Dhylles Davis, the “Coaching Cupid,” has helped thousands of people find their own voice and their own path toward achieving infinite possibilities. Learn more at

Who is God?

What is God?

By Dhylles Davis